
First NEANIAS Open Call for Atmosphere, Underwater and Space Science initiatives

The NEANIAS project has launched its first Open Call to reward researchers in the Atmosphere and Underwater & Space Science EOSC environments. Learn more and apply now, deadline on 9 April 2021.

Discussing Zoo & Phytoplankton EOV Products in Blue-Cloud

In case you missed it, here you can find the most interesting questions and answers from the webinar introducing the Blue-Cloud demonstrator "Zoo & Phytoplankton EOV Products", with experts from VLIZ, ULiège, and LOV.

Exploring the Blue-Cloud Virtual Research Environments on D4Science

Let's discover the Blue-Cloud Virtual Research Environments, a core part of the Blue-Cloud technical framework, providing computing platforms and analytical services facilitating the collaboration between researchers.

Blue Economy Window Call 2020

The BlueInvest Grant offers the opportunity to develop sustainable and innovative solutions for the Blue Economy. Read more to understand how to apply to this initiative by 16 February 2021.

The strength of open marine data

Analysing and studying oceanic marine data is becoming more and more relevant, given the critical role the ocean plays in mitigating climate change.  Read more about this interesting and contemporary topic.  

Entering the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development

The United Nations officially launched the Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development in January 2021, let's see how Blue-Cloud can interact with this fundamental framework.

Blue-Cloud data infrastructures: An interview with Jean-Olivier Irisson on EcoTaxa

The first interview with a representative of data infrastructures involved in Blue-Cloud saw Jean-Olivier Irisson from Sorbonne Université offer an overview of the fascinating world of EcoTaxa, a web application dedicated to the visual exploration and the taxonomic annotation of images showcasing planktonic biodiversity.

Blue-Cloud Roadmap to 2030: Unwrapping the first consultation results

The Blue-Cloud Project has recently concluded its first year of operations, and with it the first round of stakeholder consultations towards building the Blue-Cloud Roa

Establishing synergies in marine research and open science with Blue-Cloud

Collaboration, cooperation and shared visions are the foundations of every successful synergy.

Blue-Cloud paper from the fisheries team awarded at MTSR 2020

The paper "On the Evolution of Semantic Warehouses: The Case of Global Record of Stocks and Fisheries" was presented last week at the 14th International Conference on Metadata and Semantics Research (MTSR 2020) and was awarded as one of the best two papers.

Open Consultation on the Blue Economy Partnership

The European Commission has opened a new Stakeholder Consultation called “A climate neutral, sustainable and productive Blue Economy”. The call aims at creating a strong partnership among the main European stakeholders involved in the Blue Economy sector.

Insights from the Sea Tech Week 2020

In 2020, the Sea Tech Week was organised in virtual mode in order to continue to be a pivotal cross-disciplinary platform. In the scope of “the future of observations from seabed to space” several sessions were dedicated to marine data management, data processing and data sciences.