🌊 Blue-Cloud and FAIR-EASE sign Memorandum of Understanding! Read more
Starting from the legacy of its pilot phase, over its thirty-six-month lifetime Blue-Cloud 2026 aims to address the need to expand and consolidate Blue-Cloud as a thematic EOSC to support research to better understand and manage the many aspects of ocean sustainability. While the Blue-Cloud Consortium already possesses the necessary skills to execute the Project work plan, it also avails itself of the support of an External Stakeholders Expert Board (ESEB) for high level guidance on strategy and policy and leverage of their relevant cross-sectoral networks.
The ESEB Members have been invited to support the project given their capacity, skills and network and are asked to provide ad-hoc, independent, competent and timely feedback to the strategy and operations of the Blue-Cloud initiative and its demonstrators, advise on strategic global “Blue” trends, facilitate dialogue with policy makers and stimulate discussion between the relevant key stakeholders in the EU, and where appropriate, beyond.
The ESEB also help strengthen the Blue Cloud framework, leveraging on their network and experience and ultimately increase the visibility of project and support the dissemination of project results.
Below you'll find the members of the External Stakeholders Expert Board that supported the Blue-Cloud pilot project between 2019-2023 and those who are providing guidance in the second phase until 2026.