Nicolas Segebarth is Policy Officer at the European Commission. He recently joined (June 2019) the “Healthy Oceans and Seas Unit” of DG Research and Innovation, to develop and implement research & innovation policy on ocean observation. Nicolas Segebarth has a background in physical chemistry, with a PhD in Chemistry on the physical and chemical effects of acoustic cavitation, and post-docs in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. He joined the European Commission in 2006, where he first worked at the Institute for Health and Consumer (IHCP) of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, on the development of spectroscopic and chemometric methods for various applications. Before joining the Healthy Oceans and Seas unit, he worked for 10 years in the Industrial Technology Directorate of DG research & Innovation, working first on the environmental and health impacts of nanomaterials and then on Sustainable Process Industries (SPIRE).