Welcome to Blue-Cloud

Your Open Science platform for collaborative marine research

Come and meet us


30 September 2024 09:00 – 4 October 2024 18:00
Lecce, Italy
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About Blue-Cloud

Blue-Cloud 2026 is a collaborative project that leverages Europe's expertise in aquatic environmental observation and data handling. Building on existing infrastructures like Copernicus and EMODnet, Blue-Cloud aims to create a federated ecosystem for FAIR and open data in marine research. Through a web-based platform, it offers simplified access to multidisciplinary datasets, analytical services, and computing facilities.

Over 42 months, Blue-Cloud 2026 will expand its core services, integrate more analytical tools, and enhance data discovery and access. With a focus on supporting the EU Blue Economy and environmental agendas, it strives to contribute to the EU Green Deal and UN Sustainable Development Goals. Coordinated by CNR, Trust-IT Services, and MARIS, the project brings together a dedicated team of 40 partners from 13 EU countries.

Access the Blue-Cloud services

Data Discovery & Access Service

An easy and FAIR service for discovering and retrieving multi-disciplinary data sets and products managed and provided by Blue Data Infrastructures.

Virtual Research Environment

An Open Science platform for collaborative marine research, using a wide variety of datasets and analytical tools, complemented by generic services.

Thematic Virtual Labs

Researchers work closely together with the Blue-Cloud 2026 technical team to describe Virtual Lab workflows and technical requirements.

Featuring data from leading European infrastructures

The Blue-Cloud technical infrastructures

Our latest news

Blue-Cloud collaborates with FAIR-EASE and CLIMAREST to advance Open Science in Marine and Earth Sciences

In an effort to fortify the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), Blue-Cloud is establishing significant collaborations with the FAIR-EASE and CLIMAREST projects, collectively working on innovative approaches and best practices for data access and processing within ocean data providers.

Blue-Cloud2026 at the EOSC WinterSchool 2024

The EOSC Winterschool 2024 in Thessaloniki was a collaborative event where Blue-Cloud2026 and other EOSC entities focused on enhancing open science through discussions on interoperability and data sharing within the marine research community.

DITTO Summit 2023: Blue-Cloud mentioned as contributor to the EU DTO

Blue-Cloud 2026 demonstrated how it will feed into the EU DTO’s architecture and the implications for advancing ocean research through open science and data.