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The EUDAT Collaborative Data Infrastructure
EUDAT offers heterogeneous research data management services and storage resources, supporting multiple research communities, through its network of academic computing and data centres across 15 European nations, whereby data is stored alongside some of Europe’s most powerful supercomputers. European researchers can preserve, find, access, and process data in a trusted environment, as part of the EUDAT Collaborative Data Infrastructure. One of EUDAT’s main ambitions is to bridge the gap between research infrastructures and e- Infrastructures through an active engagement strategy. It is supported by EU DG RTD and EU DG CONNECT.
EUDAT contributes to the integration of the EUDAT B2Services into the Blue-Cloud VRE and is mainly responsible for making the Blue-Cloud data and service catalogues interoperable and accessible via the EOSC portal. EUDAT is one of the horizontal e-infrastructures (EUDAT, DIAS, D4Science) that are aimed to capitalise on what already exists and to develop and deploy the Blue Cloud framework.
Type & number of data sets
- B2DROP: 2GB per file, with a maximum of 20GB per user.
- B2SHARE: Currently the maximum file size is 10 GB and the maximum size for a record is 20GB. The current limits are given here.
- B2SAFE: unlimited, but very large file transfers are subject to network stability of course.
Core Services
EUDAT has developed a service stack that forms the Collaborative Data Infrastructure (CDI). The services are as follows:
- B2SAFE, Replicate Research Data Safely.
- B2STAGE, Get Data to Computation.
- B2FIND, Find Research Data.
- B2SHARE, Store, Share and Publish Research Data.
- B2DROP, Sync and Exchange Research Data.
In addition, a set of EUDAT core operational services, essential for the management of the CDI have been defined as follows:
- B2ACCESS (identity and authorisation), easy-to-use and secure Authentication and Authorisation platform.
- B2HANDLE (Persistent IDentification (PID) management), a service to register persistent identifiers called Handles to data objects and retrieve data objects via these identifiers, serving a purpose similar to DOIs for papers.
- B2HOST, a Service Hosting Framework that allows communities to deploy and operate their own applications and data-oriented services on machines next to the data storage
Function in Blue-Cloud
The horizontal e-infrastructure EUDAT is a component in the “Blue Cloud” e-infrastructures framework.
EUDAT has leveraged its suite of B2SERVICES (B2ACCESS, B2SAFE, B2STAGE, B2HOST, and B2DROP) and expertise to contribute to the following Blue-Cloud achievements:
- To be part of the data broker that facilitates the Data Discovery & Access Service to retrieve selected data sets from the federated Blue-Cloud data infrastructures and to store these in a temporary data cache, together with associated metadata.
- To deliver the selected and retrieved data sets to users or to push these into the VRE for use in VLabsfor computing, analytical and visualization services.
- Making the Blue-Cloud DD&AS and the VRE Products catalogues interoperable and accessible via the EOSC portal, using OAI-PMH protocols.
Website: https://eudat.eu/