Dr David Mills is the Director of IMARDIS (Integrated Marine Data and Information System)Â at the Marine Centre Wales within Bangor University.
Previously a UK Government Scientist at Cefas (Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences) where as a Programme Director he led a national programme (UK-IMON) to coordinate and integrate marine observations amongst all major UK institutions to better address societal needs. Dr Mills has provided advice to UK Government, the EU and international organisations on monitoring and assessment of environmental status and on interventions to achieve successful policy outcomes. He has worked extensively at the science-policy and more recently at the science industry-interface. He currently leads the development and implementation of a cloud-based data and cyberinfrastructure as part of two major EU (ERDF) funded programmes (SEACAMS2 and SEEC) at Bangor University that support the development of a low carbon energy sector in Wales.