Dr Jean-Noël Druon is a scientific expert in marine ecology and ecosystem functioning. His work focuses on habitat modelling of marine top predators such as bluefin tuna, fin whale and European hake, in support of spatial fisheries management (marine protected areas, temporary fishery closure) and fish stock assessment.
Before joining the JRC in 2008, he worked for different international research institutes, including IFREMER and NASA, on planktonic ecosystem modelling and nutrient cycling, at the interface between physics and biology, gaining a deep expertise in satellite remote sensing of ocean colour. He used his expertise in planktonic and meso-scale dynamics to develop an ecological approach to habitat modelling of high trophic level species.
His Ecological Niche Modelling links the species ecological traits to environmental variables such as chlorophyll-a fronts, temperature or currents with food proxy, physical tolerance and transport. His work supports the inclusion of ecological, spatial and environment dimensions in fisheries management so as to ensure the sustainable use of oceans' living resources.
He provides scientific and technical support to the European Commission's Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries, notably in relation to the EU Common Fisheries Policy and Marine Strategy Framework Directive.