
Standards, best practices, challenges and incentives for maximising the use of ocean data in the Atlantic region

The need for a change in culture (and curricula), stimulating standards adoption via engaging with best practice and exemplary use cases, spreading ocean-observing and unlocking non-public archives: the outcomes of the workshop organised by Blue-Cloud on June 3rd engaged experts across the Atlantic in a dialogue to identify needs and challenges of data sharing ‘pole to pole’ and gave some recommendations towards setting up an Atlantic Data space for the ocean.

Help us shape the future of the Blue-Cloud! Take our short survey now

Blue-Cloud has taken a step further towards co-designing a collective, community vision for the future evolution of a web-based cyberspace where marine researchers and innovators will come together to share data and engage in Open Science to advance knowledge and sustainability of the Ocean. Have your say in the way this ambitious initiative develops into the future, so it responds to your needs and expectations.

Blue-Cloud and FNS-Cloud: a synergy to strengthen open research in the fisheries field

Since April 2020, Blue-Cloud has been cooperating with FNS-Cloud thanks to the commonalities shared by the initiatives in integrating data on the thematic European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and fostering methods to make data more FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable). Read more to discover what the cooperation has brought in a relatively short time. 

Nourishing blue economy, sharing ocean knowledge: Blue-Cloud and the Horizon Results Booster

Blue-Cloud joined a 10-project-strong group called "Nourishing Blue Economy, Sharing Ocean Knowledge" in the context of the EC-funded Horizon Results Booster, focussing on supporting excellence in marine research, policies & partnerships in Europe and beyond.

Developing an All-Atlantic Data Space for the Ocean: Register for our 3 June workshop

On Thursday 3 June, Blue-Cloud is co-hosting a joint workshop with the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance (AANChOR), the G7 Future of the Seas and Oceans Initiative, and the two Horizon 2020 projects iAtlantic and AtlantECO, as a side-event at the All-Atlantic 2021.

Assessing plankton distributions through data mining: the Plankton Genomics demonstrator

The "Plankton Genomics: Multidisciplinary data mining to assess plankton distributions" webinar took place on 23 April 2021. It welcomed more than 70 participants and gave the opportunity to learn more about the Blue-Cloud Plankton Genomics demonstrator. Read the highlights and watch the webinar recording!

Euro-Argo contributing excellent in-situ ocean observing data to Blue-Cloud - An interview with Thierry Carval

For the third interview in our series with representatives of Blue-Cloud data infrastructures, we exchanged a few words with Thierry Carval from IFREMER. Let's find out how Euro-Argo is contributing to the evolution of Blue-Cloud.

Blue-Cloud & EuroSea joint workshop at Blue Research & Innovation Days

Blue-Cloud and EuroSea are organising a joint workshop during the Blue Research and Innovation Days on 20 April at 11:00-13:00 CEST, to highlight the latest developments and discuss future plans.

A deep dive into the Open Science for the Ocean workshop: Meet the Blue-Cloud Demonstrators

The online workshop "Open Science for the Ocean: Meet the Blue-Cloud demonstrators" welcomed more than 140 participants from all over the world, introducing the Blue-Cloud technical framework, the five demonstrators, as well as the Strategic Roadmap to 2030.

Open Science for the Ocean Q&A: Unveiling the Blue-Cloud Virtual Research Environment

The online workshop "Open Science for the Ocean: Meet the Blue-Cloud demonstrators" took part on 23 March 2021, welcoming more than 120 participants from all ove

ENA bringing quality nucleotide sequencing information into Blue-Cloud - An interview with Guy Cochrane

The second interview in our series with representatives of Blue-Cloud data infrastructures is with Guy Cochrane from EMBL-EBI. Let's discover how the European Nucleotide Archive is contributing to Blue-Cloud's activities.

All-Atlantic R&I Stakeholder Survey

The All-Atlantic2021 “All-Atlantic R&I for a Sustainable Ocean: Ministerial High-Level & Stakeholders Conference” launched a survey to identify and characterize stakeholders interested in promoting marine Research and Innovation (R&I) at the All-Atlantic level and, therefore, strengthen the All-Atlantic Marine Research & Innovation Community.