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Blue-Cloud strengthening interoperability with EOSC through the EGI federated login

29 September 2021

Blue-Cloud is the thematic entry point for marine research in the growing European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). This prominent role is underpinned by ensuring interoperability between the Blue-Cloud technical framework and key elements of the EOSC ecosystem, such as the EOSC Portal.

Our service platform features a range of services and resources that can be used for undertaking world-class science in EOSC by involving leading operational marine research infrastructures and e-infrastructures.

D4Science in the EGI Federation

The technical framework consists of two main components, the Data Discovery and Access Service (DDAS) and the Virtual Research Environment (VRE), which are being fine tuned in collaboration with the marine research community in Europe and beyond.

The VRE is hosted on the D4Science infrastructure, and its core services are used for building and running Virtual Labs. The D4Science e-infrastructure implements proven solutions for connecting to external services and orchestrates distributed services, which are instrumental for smart connections to other e-infrastructures in Blue-Cloud such as EUDAT and WEkEO.

The D4Science platform has always been well-embedded in the international research community, allowing for seamless access via a range of digital identities. Recently, our VRE has been made accessible via the popular EGI federation of identities, one of the main logins for the wider EOSC ecosystem, and as a consequence Blue-Cloud users can use their Blue-Cloud credentials to access any other EOSC service which recognises the EGI federation of identities.  

This marked another step towards making the Blue-Cloud services easier to reach and useful for the marine research community.

Blue-Cloud is taking part in the EGI Conference on 19-21 October with a poster: Learn more
