🌊 Blue-Cloud and FAIR-EASE sign Memorandum of Understanding! Read more


Blue-Cloud at the EMSO Conference

Blue-Cloud was presented at the "EMSO Conference, preparing for UN Decade of Ocean Science" by the Head of EMODnet Secretariat Jan-Bart Calewaert.  

A big data approach to ocean science

Let's discover how Blue-Cloud employs big data technologies in order to support its pilot demonstrators.  

Blue-Cloud's position paper on EOSC

The Blue-Cloud consortium published a position paper on EOSC summarising the project's views, messages, and contributions, for the benefit of the EOSC Governance, the EC, and all other parties involved in the development of the EOSC.  

Fish, a matter of scales - A Blue-Cloud demonstrator

Let's discover the Blue-Cloud demonstrator on fisheries "Fish, a matter of scales", co-managed by FAO, the French IRD, and ICS-Forth.

A "blue" look at the new European Strategy for Data

The European Commission released the European Strategy for Data, announcing the creation of nine Common European data spaces addressing specific sectors. What is its relevance to Blue-Cloud?

Blue-Cloud at the ENVRI Week in Dresden

The latest edition of the ENVRI week took place in Dresden, 3-7 February 2020. The event gathered together over 110 participants from Environmental Research Infrastructures. Blue-Cloud was presented at the event by MARIS in a poster session focussed on related initiatives.

Towards a global “Blue-Cloud”: Improving the knowledge of our oceans and seas and bringing them closer to citizens

The workshop “Improving the Knowledge of our Oceans and Seas and bringing them closer to citizens”, jointly organised by Blue-Cloud with AANChOR, AORAC-SA and AtlantOS took place in Brussels in co-location with the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Forum. The event gathered over 90 experts from around the Atlantic to discuss the benefits of establishing a global “Blue-Cloud”.

Blue-Cloud featured in the latest issue of ISTI News in Italy

Blue-Cloud was featured in the December issue of the prestigious ISTI News, centred on "Open Science for Blue Growth"

Making the Blue-Cloud happen: delivering better knowledge of our oceans and seas to citizens. Join this half-day workshop to accelerate the usage of marine data.

Our half-day workshop entitled “Improving the Knowledge of our Oceans and Seas and bringing them closer to citizens”, co-located with the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Forum, takes place on the 5th of February 2020 in Brussels. It brings together key players and experts from the blue economy around the Atlantic.

EC President Ursula von der Leyen talks EOSC in Davos

All eyes were on EOSC at the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos this morning when European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen described "a trusted

FORTH's role in Blue-Cloud mentioned in the Greek press

The Greek news website Patris dedicated a detailed article to the role of our partner FORTH in the Blue-Cloud project

Answers to the Blue Quiz 2019

For the 2019 holiday season, we have launched the #BlueQuiz on Twitter, featuring questions suggested by our pilot demonstrators. Many people have replied or interacted over the last few weeks, so it is time to share the correct answers!