Blue-Cloud at the EMSO Conference

26 March 2020

From the 12th to the 14th of February, EMSO organized the EMSO Conference, preparing for UN Decade of Ocean Science. The conference aimed to offer an international scientific framework to increase the coordination and the effectiveness of international cooperation worldwide. By stimulating the exchange of information, best practices, and strategy alignment, the conference is designed to contribute to the improvement of the conditions for sustainable development and fulfillment of societal needs, increasing awareness on the importance of the Ocean’s health.

At the Conference, the Head of the EMODnet Secretariat, Jan-Bart Calewaert, presented on European and global developments in marine data landscape and concerted efforts in Europe to unlock the wealth of marine observations and data for users, including researchers. Since EMODnet is one of the core infrastructures underpinning the development of Blue-Cloud, he shared relevant information about the collaboration in the framework of our project. He introduced the vision of Blue-Cloud to form a smart federation of data resources, computing platforms, and analytical services as the marine component of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), by federating nine leading long-term infrastructures. EMODnet will work together with the SeaDataNet / SeaDataCloud, the Copernicus Marine Service and DIAS.

EMODnet partners are centrally involved in the development of demonstrators and the wider technical coordination and development of the project. This includes contributing to the development of the Blue-Cloud architecture that includes data discovery and the Virtual Research Environment.

Jan-Bart Calewaert introducing Blue-Cloud at the EMSO Conference
Jan-Bart Calewaert introducing EMODnet at the EMSO Conference

Discover the five Blue-Cloud pilot demonstrators!



blue cloud at the EMSO conference