🌊 Blue-Cloud signs MoUs with FAIR-EASE and CLIMAREST! 


Since the launch of Blue-Cloud, the project has proactively worked on establishing strong partnerships between a variety of actors, aiming to create long-lasting relationships both for attaining the Blue-Cloud’s long-term objectives and contributing to shaping the strategic Roadmap to 2030.

Blue-Cloud has established synergies in the Open Science, Blue Economy and Marine Research fields with E-infrastructures, Blue Data Infrastructures, and EU-funded projects as the project team believes that through collaboration and cooperation with initiatives operating in the same field, the value of Blue-Cloud services increases. 


Read more about the cooperation between Blue-Cloud and E-infrastructures and Blue Data infrastructures here. 


Discover the EU-funded projects which are cooperating with Blue-Cloud in the boxes below.


  • Technical / Scientific
  • MoU


The CLIMAREST project aims to restore marine ecosystems from the Arctic to the Atlantic through a holistic, transdisciplinary approach, focusing on fragile habitats and developing a generalisable framework for efficient restoration.
  • Technical / Scientific
  • Communication and Dissemination
  • MoU


The overall objective of FAIR-EASE is to customize and operate distributed and integrated services for observation and modelling of the Earth system, environment and biodiversity by improving their different components implemented in close cooperation with user-communities, the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and research infrastructures in their design and sustainable availability.