Open Consultation on the Blue Economy Partnership

7 December 2020



The European Commission has opened a new Stakeholder Consultation called “A climate neutral, sustainable and productive Blue Economy”. The call aims at creating a strong partnership among the main European stakeholders involved in the Blue Economy sector.

The collaboration among several partners will bring the great benefit of avoiding the potential disconnection of projects sharing similar goals.

The partnership will support both the blue economy objective of achieving carbon neutrality and all the ocean’s European Green Deal goals, thanks to the implementation of the Mission on “Healthy Ocean, Seas, Coastal and Inland Waters”.

Through the survey results, insights and proposals will feed the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). 

A first draft of the SRIA has been developed by the EU in cooperation with all the European Member States, the countries linked to the Framework Programme and JPI Oceans.

The consultation is public and the inputs gathered will be examined and included in the proposal.

Don’t miss the opportunity to take part in the survey and to shape the future of the Blue Economy.
Participate in the survey today!

The Blue-Cloud project plays a crucial role in delivering the future of the Blue Economy too through the development of its five demonstrators and the strategic Roadmap to 2030.

In particular, the Blue-Cloud Roadmap will investigate how the project can efficiently contribute to address new types of collaboration between Research infrastructures and new business models. In order to achieve so, it will consider technical developments, user demand and needs, market analysis and opportunities for the exploitation of Blue-Cloud resources. At the same time, it will provide opportunities which ensure sustainability of Blue-Cloud services and interoperability with the EOSC ecosystem.  

Discover more about the potential of Blue-Cloud demonstrators and the strategic Roadmap.