Establishing synergies in marine research and open science with Blue-Cloud

14 December 2020

Collaboration, cooperation and shared visions are the foundations of every successful synergy. Blue-Cloud poses special attention to this aspect for creating valuable synergies among projects operating in the Blue Economy and Marine Research. 

Since the launch of the project, the Blue-Cloud team has proactively worked on establishing strong partnerships between a variety of actors, aiming to create long-lasting relationships both for attaining the Blue-Cloud’s long-term objectives and for contributing to shaping the strategic Roadmap to 2030.

This is a constructive approach for marine research, as also stated by Toste Tanhua, coordinator of the Horizon 2020 project EuroSea:

"Creating a sustained Ocean Observing System is team-work, nothing a single project or organisation can do alone. In EuroSea we value the cooperation with Blue-Cloud very much as it ties parts of the ocean observing value chain together, from the requirement setting, through observations to data and information - what is the use of ocean observations, if the data are not easily accessible?”

Just in the first year from its launch, Blue-Cloud has already developed more than 20 synergies. The growing list of existing synergies can be found here.

Enhancing the Blue-Cloud assets together

In particular, the team has implemented cooperation initiatives between actors that work in the Blue Economy, as well as with relevant data infrastructures. The partnerships have been built with the aim of strengthening mutual advantages, benefitting from the Blue-Cloud main assets:

  • Data Discovery and Access Service: this service enables our users and machines to find and collect data from a broader array of key marine data infrastructures. The Blue-Cloud infrastructure supports the collection and aggregation of data in different fields spanning from policy data to marine demonstrators. The synergic cooperation with several partners contributes to the development of FAIR data and to the delivery of a stronger infrastructure
  • Cyber Infrastructure and Virtual Research Environments: The Virtual Research Environment (VRE) platform delivers an innovative computing platform capable of enabling easy integration and deployment of analytical algorithms and software tools. The synergical partnerships contribute to the implementation and connection of computing platforms and services on remote ones. In addition, input from key partners helps Blue-Cloud to deliver an innovative approach for the publication of analysis results that respects ownership, provenance, and controlled access
  • Demonstrators: Blue-Cloud is developing 5 real-life demonstrators covering Biodiversity, Genomics, Marine Environmental Indicators, Fisheries and Aquaculture. Each demonstrator delivers services accessible through the Virtual Research Environments powered by Blue-Cloud. Synergies in this area contribute to better shaping the demonstrator’s analysis, to increasing the amount of data included in the database and to the preparation of joint webinars, seminars and events. 

Blue-Cloud is currently working with the NEANIAS project to jointly organise the virtual Blue Week in February 2021, and more details will be shared soon on both websites.

Discover the Blue-Cloud Synergies

We are always looking for new partnerships with key projects in marine research and open science

If you are interested,​ get in touch with us! 

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