🌊 Blue-Cloud signs MoUs with FAIR-EASE and CLIMAREST! 

EU-Caribbean Workshop on Marine Scientific Cooperation

EU-Caribbean Workshop on Marine Scientific Cooperation
Other Event
14 November 2023 09:00 – 15 November 2023 18:00
Bridgetown, Barbados

The Caribbean is considered one of the most vulnerable regions in the world to the impacts of climate change, with coastal communities and low-lying areas being particularly exposed to the combined threats of sea level rise and extreme weather events.
Although Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) are key to increase climate resilience, and oceans are fundamental to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the region, investment in STI has been relatively low. There is a need to foster marine research within the region as well as to enhance its contribution to global knowledge production and to strengthen the science-policy-society interface.
The objective of the workshop is to gather multiple stakeholders in marine research to discuss on the potentialities, needs and gaps in marine research cooperation for the Caribbean region. Emphasis will be laid on the marine research topics: Coastal resilience, fisheries management, marine protected areas, ecosystems and biodiversity, ocean observation, research infrastructures.

Blue-Cloud at the event

Patricia Martin-Cabrera, Data Manager at VLIZ and a member of Blue-Cloud 2023, will give an overview about Blue-Cloud project.

Official webpage: https://eu-caribbean-marine-research.service-facility.eu/