🌊 Blue-Cloud signs MoUs with FAIR-EASE and CLIMAREST! 


Standards, best practices, challenges and incentives for maximising the use of ocean data in the Atlantic region

The need for a change in culture (and curricula), stimulating standards adoption via engaging with best practice and exemplary use cases, further connecting ocean-observing data collection efforts and unlocking archives with historical data: the outcomes of the workshop organised by Blue-Cloud on June 3rd engaged experts across the Atlantic in a dialogue to identify needs and challenges of data sharing ‘pole to pole’ and gave some recommendations towards setting up an Atlantic Data space for the ocean

Applying machine learning methods to ocean patterns and ocean regimes indicators

The global challenges that humankind is called to face highlight the need for establishing innovative algorithms and technologies to enable the transition from data to knowledge, and foster the consolidation of a science-informed decision-making process. 

For a successful implementation of this value chain, the development of science-based algorithms clearly represents a crucial phase. We will analyse the latest updates on the application of machine learning methods to ocean patterns and the ocean regimes indicators in the context of Blue-Cloud.

Monitoring aquaculture activities through high-resolution satellite images

The ocean is tightly connected to our well-being, providing a wealth of resources fundamental to human sustenance and global food security, as also affirmed in the sixth principle of Ocean Literacy. Aquaculture offers precious opportunities for us to reduce hunger and improve nutrition while also generating economic growth and tackling poverty.

Exploring and mapping plankton genomics data with Blue-Cloud

Recent metagenomic studies have revealed that marine plankton is far more diverse than previously thought (Carradec et al. 2018, Salazar et al. 2019, Duarte et al. 2020), with hundreds of thousands of genetically distinct taxa and more than 116 million genes documented for eukaryotic plankton and 47 million genes for prokaryotes. However, the taxonomy and/or function of more than half of the planktonic ‘omic’ sequences is still unknown.

Blue-Cloud Virtual Labs in support of Sustainable Development Goals

The Blue-Cloud thematic Virtual Labs (VLabs) are the main test beds for users to get the hang of the Blue-Cloud framework, exploiting the 10+ million datasets available via the Data Discovery and Access Service (DD&AS), as well as the easy access to the collaborative VLabs via D4Science and the EOSC federated login.

These collaborative workspaces hosted in the Blue-Cloud Virtual Research Environment (VRE) are serving more than 1,300 users in total spread across more than 20 countries.

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