MARCO-BOLO aims to advance technologies for efficient biodiversity observations, testing novel tools to comprehend biodiversity decline. The project strives to enhance the acquisition, coordination, and delivery of marine, coastal, and freshwater biodiversity observations. It seeks to empower European biodiversity observatory operators and users by establishing best practice guidelines. MARCO-BOLO focuses on developing tools and models, including Essential Variables based on Environmental DNA (eDNA) and real-time monitoring methods. Additionally, it validates data exchange, supports Water Framework Directive (WFD) and Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) monitoring, and maps blue carbon benefits and risks of non-indigenous invasive species. Through community engagement, the project aims to establish a scalable and transferable approach for EU biodiversity observations in line with international standards.
Collaboration with Blue-Cloud
Sara Pittonet Gaiarin, Blue-Cloud's Project Coordinator, has been invited to join the MARCO-BOLO's Advisory Board. The MARCO-BOLO Advisory Board plays a crucial role in providing strategic guidance and direction to the project and Blue-Cloud's involvement in the board will ensure that MARCO-BOLO receives insights and recommendations to enhance its impact and effectiveness.
- MARCO-BOLO: MARine COastal BiOdiversity Long-term Observations
- France
- 48 months
- Horizon Europe - Food, Bioeconomy Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
- 25 partners