

JONAS project addresses the issue of underwater noise and the threats it poses to sensitive species in the northeast Atlantic by streamlining ocean noise monitoring and risk management on a transnational basis.
JONAS aims to harmonise technical approaches to the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) requirements, promote quieter operational practices among users of the North Europe Atlantic marine space, support adoption of regional-scale approaches that benefit biodiversity and the MSFD implementation, and develop an innovative noise-monitoring visualisation platform supporting adaptive management of sensitive marine areas.

Collaboration with Blue-Cloud

In October 2021 Blue-Cloud and Jonas signed a Memorandum of Understanding highlighting four main action points for collaboration:

  • Usage and exploitation of Blue-Cloud VRE services: JONAS has expressed interest in developing a dedicated VLab on the Blue-Cloud D4Science infrastructure. The VLab, which has been named after the project, allows JONAS partners to access data collected by Blue-Cloud, while enriching the basin of data and collecting and improving the quality of the analysis. JONAS was one of the projects that attended the online tutorial organised on 7 October 2022 to better explain the VRE offer. It has been designed as a development and integration environment for R, Python, and other supported software languages. Computing resources are assigned dynamically according to the exploitation of the VLab. The VLab has been equipped with the Data Discovery and Access Service and with the Analytics framework (JupyterHub, RStudio, DataMiner, SAI). It is powered by a cluster of Analytics Engine servers, each with 16 cores and 32 GB RAM, a cluster of RStudio servers, each with 16 cores and 32 GB RAM and it is powered by JupyterHub with a maximum of 8 cores and 32 GB RAM per notebook.

jonas vlab

  • Joint dissemination/communication activities: JONAS and Blue-Cloud have supported each other by promoting events on social media channels and plan to organise joint events to talk about the cooperation established.

Download the synergy factsheet

  • Jonas
  • Jonas
  • Ireland
  • 42 months
  • 2014 - 2020 INTERREG VB Atlantic Area
  • Technical / Scientific
    Communication and Dissemination