
FORCOAST aims to develop novel Copernicus-based downstream information services to that offer high-resolution water quality and met-ocean indicators in coastal and near-shore areas, to improve operation, planning and management of different marine activities in the sectors of wild fisheries, oyster grounds restoration, and bivalve mariculture. FORCOAST information services are co-designed with stakeholders, thereby ensuring that these services are tailored to meet their needs.

Collaboration with Blue-Cloud

Contribution to Blue-Cloud Roadmap: FORCOASTĀ supported the future of the Blue-Cloud project, through advice on how to build the roadmap from industrial and commercial viewpoints through open consultation.

Download the synergy factsheet

  • Netherlands
  • 30 months
  • H2020-EU. - Enabling European competitiveness, non-dependence and innovation of the European space sector & H2020-EU. - Enabling exploitation of space data
  • Policy