EuroSea aims to co-design a new approach that could improve European ocean observing and forecasting services and products by building the community needed for a system that delivers services and products on the ocean, ocean climate, marine ecosystems and their vulnerability to human impacts.
Collaboration with Blue-Cloud
In February 2022 Blue-Cloud and EuroSea signed a Memorandum of Understanding highlighting four main action points for collaboration:
- Usage and exploitation of Blue-Cloud VRE services: EuroSea is primarily looking at data delivery from the observing activities in the ocean observing networks to data integrators. EuroSea is also developing two demonstrators: the Coastal Resilience and Operational Services Demonstrator that is advancing the collection, quality control, interpretation and use of sea level data to deliver a spatially complete picture of sea level changes, and the Ocean Health Demonstrator working with users in Aquaculture, Fisheries, Tourism, and Environmental Agencies to co-create products that help identify and foresee Extreme Marine Events. Due to the similarities of topics, the aim is to integrate the EuroSea data with the Blue-Cloud infrastructure, making use of the leading European BDIs as aggregators, in order to complement data that the projects might miss from their data value chain and, consequently, improve the quality of the dataset. EuroSea is willing to scope out to what extent the activities by GOOS on mapping the data flow could benefit from cooperation between the EuroSea and Blue-Cloud.
- Contribution to Blue-Cloud Roadmap: Toste Tanhua, EuroSea coordinator, is one the members of the Blue-Cloud ESEB team and has been highly involved in shaping the future of the Blue-Cloud Roadmap from a strategic point of view. This included both the participation in events and submission of open consultations.
- Joint dissemination/communication activities: Blue-Cloud and EuroSea have been involved in events in which the projects were giving presentations and providing relevant inputs (e.g. Annual EuroSea meeting, All-Atlantic Ocean Research Forum 2020). Moreover, EuroSea took part in Horizon Results Booster (HRB) in the project group in which Blue-Cloud was also involved. The main outcome of this cooperation has been translated into a policy brief “Nourishing Blue Economy and Sharing Ocean Knowledge - Ocean information for sustainable development” whose recommendations have been presented at the event “Blue-Cloud: An Open Science platform for collaborative marine research across the Atlantic and beyond” in December 2021. In April 2021 Blue-Cloud and EuroSea organised a joint workshop in the framework of the Blue Research and Innovation Days organised by the Neanias project.

- EuroSea
- Germany (Coordinator's Country)
- 1 Nov 2019 - 31 Dec 2023
- BG-07-2019-2020
- 55 Partners in 18 Countries
Technical / ScientificPolicyCommunication and Dissemination