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Cos4Cloud is addressing the challenge of providing data quality to citizens by developing ten technological services to improve citizen science platforms, also known as citizen observatories, to help them boost the quantity and the quality of observations and ensure their long-term viability. Cos4Cloud makes these services available in the new European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), a virtual space aimed at the European scientific community, in order to make them available to anyone interested in creating or improving their citizen observatory.
Moreover, the cutting-edge technologies help improve interoperability, networking, data quality and secure management of data in citizen observatories, with a very user-friendly focus.
Cos4Cloud makes these services available in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
Collaboration with Blue-Cloud
- Connecting Data to key European Data Management service providers via Blue-Cloud: Cos4Cloud data can be integrated to the Blue-Cloud infrastructure and in particular its DD&AS, for which the Cos4Cloud data should be populated in the leading European BDIs. During the project,. Cos4Cloud has considered following this approach; however, so far this has not resulted in action.
- Contribution to Blue-Cloud Roadmap: Cos4Cloud played a relevant role in shaping the strategic Blue-Cloud Roadmap as it provides support in better outlining the Blue-Cloud community, integrating EOSC systems and scaling up Blue-Cloud demonstrators.
- Joint dissemination/communication activities: Jaume Piera, Cos4Cloud coordinator, is a member of the Blue-Cloud ESEB team. Thanks to his expertise, he has been invited to join the Blue-Cloud workshop on open science and its thematic demonstrators on 23 March 2021. The Cos4Cloud team Jaume Piera also helped with the co-organisation of the workshop “Channeling open science for a sustainable management of the ocean” as a side event of the Open Science FAIR 2021, together with Blue-Cloud has done together with BE OPEN and FNS-Cloud.
- Cos4Cloud
- Cos4Cloud
- Spain
- 01/11/2019- 28/2/2023
- H2020-EU. Development, deployment and operation of ICTbased e-infrastructures
PolicyCommunication and Dissemination