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The marine microbiome is one of the fastest growing segments of the blue bioeconomy, and its study is vital for the discovery, understanding, protection and utilisation of ocean resources. BlueRemediomics develops novel tools and approaches to explore marine microbiome data, uniting an international consortium of experts that will work on the discovery and production of high-value sustainable marine microbiome-based products, processes and services.
The project aims to achieve improved knowledge and data that allow the development of legislative frameworks to better monitor, understand and protect the marine microbiome. It enables the sustainable and equitable exploitation of marine microbiome as a bioresource to its full potential and set the groundwork for the production of novel, sustainable and natural products based on marine bioresources.
Collaboration with Blue-Cloud
Technical cooperation
The BlueRemediomics project deals with aquaculture data. This data will be integrated to Blue-Cloud2026 through MGnify, and will be connected to the Blue-Cloud's Data Discovery and Access Service, and will populate the Workbench on Ecosystem-level EOVs.
As a sister project to AtlantECO, BlueRemediomics is focused on FAIR data, and will be testing and improving the FAIRness of data of the Blue-Cloud Virtual Labs, specifically the ones related to Plankton Genomics and Aquaculture Monitor; focusing on the Vlabs, BlueRemediomics is also interested in testing the Marine Environmental Indicators and Carbon-Plankton Dynamics VLabs.
Communication synergy
Blue-Cloud2026 and BlueRemediomics are closely collaborating to bring forward a communication synergy, seamlessly extending into joint communication and dissemination activities. In a notable instance, BlueRemediomics and Blue-Cloud2026 will be organising a series of joint events; BlueRemediomics will also be joining the European Ocean Days in Brussels at the beginning of March, which will spark and contribute to discussions for further cooperation.
- BlueRemediomics
- https://blueremediomics.eu/
- Germany
- 23
Technical / ScientificCommunication and DisseminationPolicy