AANChOR – All-Atlantic Cooperation for Ocean Research and innovation


The All-Atlantic Cooperation for Ocean Research and innovation (AANChOR) is a European Union H2020 whose main ambition is to promote the implementation of the South Atlantic Research and Innovation Flagship initiative and the Belém Statement (BS), signed by the European Union (EU), Brazil, and South Africa in 2017, to upscale research and innovation cooperation in the Atlantic Ocean, from Antarctica to the Arctic, started under the Galway Statement.
AANChOR will pursue this ambition by providing the Belém Co-Chairs with a framework to identify and contribute to the implementation of concrete long-term collaborative activities, reinforcing international cooperation between Europe, the tropical and South Atlantic countries, connecting with the challenges and research needs of the North Atlantic. By connecting major players in research and innovation from around the Atlantic Ocean, AANChOR aims to build a long-lasting Atlantic Research and Innovation Ocean Community to address grand challenges and opportunities.

Collaboration with Blue-Cloud

Joint dissemination & communication activities: Blue-Cloud and AANChOR have strongly cooperated together in the dissemination and communication area. The cooperation spanned from the organisation of joint events to promotional activities on social media channels to share the projects’ results and reach a broader community. 
The projects also co-wrote a joint policy brief “Nourishing Blue Economy and Sharing Ocean Knowledge - Ocean information for sustainable development” together with the projects EuroSea, AtlantECO, ATLAS, iAtlantic, Nautilos, EUROFLEETS and Odyssea. The policy brief lists recommendations for sustainable ocean observation and management and was developed in the scope of Horizon Results Booster.

Blue-Cloud and AANChOR have co-organised and attended five events as showcased below. 

Improving the knowledge of our oceans and seas and bringing them closer to citizens, 5 February 2020

On the 5th February 2020, Blue-Cloud has joined the event "Improving the knowledge of our oceans and seas and bringing them closer to citizens" that aims to contribute to the implementation of the Galway and the Belém Statements by better understanding the international data/e-infrastructure landscape and the needed federation efforts to accelerate the establishment of a global “Blue-Cloud” able to effectively and efficiently bring data at the service of society. The purpose of the workshop was to contribute to the implementation of the Galway and the Belém Statements by better understanding the international data/e-infrastructure landscape and the needed federation efforts to accelerate the establishment of a global “Blue-Cloud” able to effectively and efficiently bring data at the service of society. Creative and innovative data applications were presented to reveal the potential of oceans and seas for the market and the new generations.

All-Atlantic Ocean Research Forum 2020, 6 and 7 February 2020

AANChOR and Blue-Cloud joined the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Forum 2020 on 6 and 7 February 2020, a forum to showcase the results of cooperation and their impact on the citizens living on the shores of the Atlantic.

all atlantic ocean research forum

Towards an All-Atlantic Data Space for the Ocean, 3 June 2021

Workshop jointly organised by the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance (AANChOR), the G7 Future of the Seas and Oceans Initiative, H2020 Blue-Cloud, H2020 iAtlantic and H2020 AtlantECO, as a side-event at the All-Atlantic2021 R&I for a Sustainable Ocean Stakeholder Conference 

On the 3rd of June 2021 experts from research institutes, data providers, marine data services and industry actors across the Atlantic region join the event “Towards an All Atlantic Data Space”, jointly organised by Blue-Cloud and the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance (AANChOR), the G7 Future of the Seas and Oceans Initiative, and H2020 projects iAtlantic and AtlantECO, in collaboration with EMODnet and Copernicus Marine Service. The workshop was a side-event at the All-Atlantic 2021 R&I for a Sustainable Ocean Ministerial & High-level Stakeholder Conference co-organised by the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union Council and the European Commission. The workshop provided an arena to share the current capability of marine data collection, sharing and services across the Atlantic Ocean, and to debate about EU and international initiatives working to harmonise and facilitate data sharing across the Atlantic, and offered insight into  available facilities, tools, training, and the latest open science ‘blue cloud’ technologies to make data findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable. 

Check the event page  Read the post event report

Towards and All-Atlantic Data Space for the Ocean

Blue-Cloud: An Open Science platform for collaborative marine research across the Atlantic and beyond, 14 December 2021

During this event, AAnChOR and Blue-Cloud have presented the joint policy brief developed in the framework of the EC-funded Horizon Results Booster.

Blue-Cloud Aanchor webinar

South African Webinar & Virtual Workshop, 24 May 2022

The projects participated into the scientific forum to support the dialogue towards sustainable perspectives, priorities and activities connected to the All-Atlantic Declaration.

  • AANChOR – All-Atlantic Cooperation for Ocean Research and innovation
  • https://allatlanticocean.org/
  • Portugal
  • 01/10/2018 - 30/09/2022
  • H2020-EU.
  • 17 partners
  • Communication and Dissemination