Blue-Cloud data infrastructures: An interview with Jean-Olivier Irisson on EcoTaxa

21 December 2020

As a celebration for the successful end of the first year of Blue-Cloud, we are launching a new series of interviews with representatives of blue data infrastructures involved in the Blue-Cloud project.

We will learn more about each specific infrastructure, their contributions to the project, and the added value that Blue-Cloud is bringing to them. Let's get to know the people of Blue-Cloud, and dive into the multi-disciplinary world of our five real-life demonstrators.

The first interview in this series is with Jean-Olivier Irisson from Sorbonne Université, who will take us through the fascinating world of EcoTaxa, a web application dedicated to the visual exploration and taxonomic annotation of images showcasing planktonic biodiversity.

This infrastructure is a key part of the Blue-Cloud demonstrators "Zoo & Phytoplankton EOV Products" and "Plankton Genomics", and its data will also be integrated with the EurOBIS infrastructure in order to further expand its use and reach.

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