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Answers to the Blue Quiz 2019

17 December 2019

For the 2019 holiday season, we have launched the #BlueQuiz on Twitter, featuring questions suggested by our pilot demonstrators. Many people have replied or interacted over the last few weeks, so it is time to share the correct answers!

  • The pilot demonstrator Aquaculture monitor, managed by FAO, asked: How big is aquaculture worldwide?

Answer: Global aquaculture production (including aquatic plants) in 2016 was 110.2 million tonnes. The total production included 80.0 million tonnes of food fish and 30.1 million tonnes of aquatic plants, as well as 37 900 tonnes of non-food products. (FAO SOFIA Report)

  • The pilot demonstrator Fish, a matter of scales, managed by FAO, asked: What percentage of tuna comes from sustainably managed stocks?

​Answer: An estimated 43% of the stocks of the principal market tuna species were fished at biologically unsustainable levels in 2015, while 57% were fished within biologically sustainable levels. (FAO SOFIA Report)

​Answer: The total phytoplankton biomass is 0.2% of the global primary producers on land, but the total CO2 uptake equals that of all primary producers on land.
