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Webinar: Test the Virtual Labs - Marine Environmental Indicators

Blue-Cloud Event
25 May 2022 02:00
After our successful Hackathon, which welcomed more than 30 teams from all around the world, we have launched a new webinar series to invite the entire marine research community to test the Blue-Cloud Virtual Labs.
The Marine Environmental Indicators Virtual Lab has a specific focus on data related to the marine environment, and it is led by the CMCC Foundation, in collaboration with IFREMER, Mercator Ocean International, the Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI), and the University of Bergen.
The objectives of this demonstrator are to:
- Calculate and distribute online information and indicators on the environmental quality of the marine area.
- Obtain new added-value data applying big data analysis and machine learning methods on multi-source data sets.
- Enable users to perform online and on-the-fly operations, such as selecting a portion of a dataset, to perform statistical analysis or display the data.
- 10:00 - Sara Pittonet Gaiarin, Trust-IT Services, Blue-Cloud Project Coordinator - Blue-Cloud introduction
- 10:05 - Massimiliano Drudi, CMCC Foundation - Introduction to the Virtual Lab
- 10:10 - Francesco Palermo, CMCC Foundation - The Marine Environmental Indicator (MEI) Framework
- 10:20 - Kevin Balem, Ifremer/LOPS - The Ocean Regimes Notebook
- 10:30 - Jan Willem Noteboom, KNMI - Analysis of wind conditions using SSI
- 10:40 - Q&A
Who benefits
- The Virtual Lab is suitable for marine researchers, environmental science experts, marine policy officers, and ocean enthusiasts. The webinar was attended by representatives of key organisations: AIR Centre, CMCC, CNR, the European Commission, FKS, HCMR, IFREMER, Institute of Fish Resources - Varna, IOCAG-ULPGC, INSTM, IMDC, IPMA, ISPRA, ISS, KDM, LifeWatch Italy, MIO, OGS, Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research, Pwani University, Seascape Belgium, SOCIB, Tallinn University of Technology, Technopôle Brest-Iroise, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Universidade de Vigo, USTHB, University of Amsterdam, University of Badji Mokhtar Annaba in Algeria, Water Stewardship Australia.