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WEBINAR: Fish, a matter of scales - Expanding cross-domain digital resources for fisheries management

Fish, a matter of scales - Digital tools for fisheries data management
After the successful first webinar in June 2020, introducing the five pilot demonstrators, over the next months we will get to know each one of them through individual virtual meetings. Experts from the partners involved will provide the most relevant details about the technical and conceptual issues that are being tackled thanks to the Blue-Cloud framework.
The second webinar in this series took place on 14 October 2020, with a focus on Fish, a matter of scales, the pilot demonstrator developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the French National Research Institute and the Institute of Computer Science at FORTH.
This demonstrator will improve data management and analytic capabilities for fisheries. The webinar showed new features of the Virtual Lab for the FAO Tuna Atlas and Global Record of Stocks and Fisheries Virtual Lab.
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- 14:00 - Introduction, Blue-Cloud Vision and Mission - Francesca Spagnoli, Trust-IT Services
- 14:05 - "Fish, a matter of scales" Demonstrator Vision and Mission - Anne-Elise Nieblas, FAO
- 14:10 - Fisheries Atlas Objectives and Tasks - Julien Barde, IRD
- 14:20 - Fisheries Atlas Activities and Tools - Emmanuel Blondel, FAO
- 14:30 - Global Record of Stocks and Fisheries - Aureliano Gentile, FAO & Yannis Marketakis, FORTH
- 14:40 - Conclusions and Q&A - Moderators: Francesca Spagnoli, Trust-IT Services & Anton Ellenbroek, FAO
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Julien Barde (IRD) has worked for the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development - IRD since 2008 as an IT research engineer. He has a PhD in Computer sciences (2005, University Montpellier II, France), a Master in Fisheries Sciences as well as a Master in Spatial Information Management (2001, Agrocampus, Rennes, France). The focus of his work is the interoperability of information systems to improve the management of spatial data on marine ecosystems (biodiversity or ecological observations and related environmental parameters). He is currently working on methods to implement FAIR Data Management Plans by using R programming language to comply with widely used standards for data interoperability. He was representative of IRD (member of the board) as a partner in the previous iMarine (FP7) and BlueBRIDGE(H2020) European research projects and current OpenAire-Connect H2020 project.
Emmanuel Blondel (FAO) works with the FAO of the UN as senior GIS and R consultant. He works on the Fisheries Atlas demonstrator of the Blue-Cloud project as technical lead for innovative data management & visualization tools in support to standardization and 'FAIR'ization of fisheries data. Emmanuel's background is on scientific data management, web information and statistical working systems design, especially in the fields of marine, fisheries and environmental sciences. He's actively involved in GIS and R open-source software communities. He holds an M Eng. from the French National Polytechnical Institute, Faculty of Agronomic sciences (INP-ENSAT), and has over 10 years of experience on developing standard and open-source tools in support to national, regional and international organizations.
Aureliano Gentile (FAO) has been involved in the development of information products in the FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture department since 2001. His initial background on marine biology and oceanography, and his experience as fishing observer were gradually complemented with skills on information management relevant to the fishery sector. He is the focal point for the developments of many web components of the current FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture knowledge base and related interoperability aspects, and has large experience in liaising with Regional Fishery Bodies representatives as part of the FIRMS Partnership Secretariat (Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System). Over the past ten years he was also involved in EU funded projects with leading roles for deliverables including iMarine data access and sharing policies, the VME database, and the ongoing development of the Global Record of Stocks and Fisheries.
Yannis Marketakis (FORTH) is a Research and Development Engineer in the Information Systems Laboratory at FORTH-ICS and technology supervisor of the Centre of Cultural Informatics. He received his MSc in Information Systems from the Computer Science Department of the University of Crete, Greece. His main research interests include: information systems, digital preservation, knowledge representation using semantic web technologies, linked data, data integration using semantic web technologies and conceptual modeling. He had an active role with the design and implementation of the Global Record of Stocks and Fisheries. He has participated in more than 35 scientific publications. He is involved in several European and National research projects.
Anne-Elise Nieblas (FAO) works with the FAO of the UN as a fisheries consultant. She works on the Fisheries Atlas demonstrator of the Blue-Cloud project and supports the role of FAO as a custodian agency for the UN Sustainable Development Goal 14.4.1 - Proportion of fish stocks within biologically sustainable levels. Anne-Elise’s background is in fisheries oceanography, with a PhD from the University of Tasmania and the CSIRO in quantitative marine science. She has over 10 years of research experience focusing on the mechanisms of biophysical influences on commercial fisheries species, which she has worked on in Australia, Portugal, mainland France, and La Reunion Island.
Francesca Spagnoli (Trust-IT Services) is the Coordinator of the Blue-Cloud project and Senior Project Manager. She holds a Master's Degree in Media & Communications and a PhD in Economics (Innovation Management) from the University of Rome La Sapienza. In the past 11 years she worked as Senior Project Manager and Coordinator of several national and EU-funded projects for governments, research centers and companies in different fields (AI, Cloud Computing, Software as a Service, Healthcare, Smart Cities, Big Data, IoT, Media, Telco, Transports, Social Innovation, Open Innovation, Cultural Heritage, Blue Economy). She has been also Communication Leader of several EU projects. Francesca has been awarded as Young Researcher Ambassador of the EC at ICT2013 and has been responsible to provide a strategy for the Italian Ministry of the Economic Development aimed at implementing Cloud Computing technologies and assessing its potential socio-economic impact.