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WEBINAR: Aquaculture Monitor - Enhancing data-driven solutions for fish farming policies and management

Aquaculture Monitor - Enhancing data-driven solutions for fish farming policies and management
After the successful first webinar in June 2020, introducing the five pilot demonstrators, over the next months we will get to know each one of them through individual virtual meetings. Experts from the partners involved will provide the most relevant details about the technical and conceptual issues that are being tackled thanks to the Blue-Cloud framework.
The first webinar in this series took place on 25 September 2020 at 11:00 CEST, it focused on Aquaculture Monitor, the pilot demonstrator managed by the Fisheries and Aquaculture Department of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and Collecte Localisation Satellites (CLS).
The demonstrator will expand the remote sensing analytic capabilities of the existing Aquaculture Atlas Production System (AAPS) Virtual Lab in order to provide a robust and replicable environment for monitoring aquaculture in marine cages and in coastal areas.
The ambition is to deliver a tool to produce national aquaculture sector overviews whereby a country can make use of OGC compliant data services to monitor its aquaculture sector, not in an isolated way, but built on interoperable services where teams can compute and publish reproducible experiments.
An aquaculture monitor can be a critical information source for local and national governments that lack capacity to implement a national monitoring tool. It can thus provide a monitor for several Sustainable Development Goals such as 14 "Life below water", and 2 "Food Security".
- 11:00 - Introduction, Blue-Cloud Vision and Mission - Cécile Nys, Ifremer
- 11:10 - Aquaculture Atlas Objectives and tasks - Anton Ellenbroek, FAO
- 11:20 - Aquaculture Atlas Activities and Tools - Jérémy Augot, CLS
- 11:40 - Services Harmonisation (same "language") , Standardization (same "Protocols"), Integration (same "WPS platform") using Blue-Cloud Data Access and Processing Services - Gilbert Maudire, Ifremer
- 11:45 - Questions & Answers - Anton Ellenbroek, FAO
Gilbert Maudire (male), engineer in Mathematics and Computing Sciences, Toulouse, ENSEEIHT 1985. At IFREMER since 1992, presently deputy director of “Marine Infrastructures” department, has been involved or in charge of the development and operation of several marine data management systems: French National Oceanographic Data Centre (SISMER), Information System for Fishery Monitoring (Harmonie), French Information System on Water, Operational Oceanography (Coriolis and Copernicus Environmental Marine Services), climatology (MEDAR). As a specialist in marine data management and information technologies, Gilbert Maudire is well experienced in designing, developing and operating data management systems in distributed and interoperable contexts. He was coordinator of the SeaDataNet European Research Data Infrastructure from 2006 to 2011 (network of more than 100 data centres) which is the technical background of several EMODnet lots (bathymetry, chemistry…). He is now Director of the Marine Data Cluster (Odatis) which networks all the French marine data centres.
Cécile Nys (female) is the Assistant manager of the French Ocean Data Cluster - ODATIS. She is a Bioengineer (Agricultural Engineer) specialized in the 'Management of Fisheries and the Coastal and Continental ecosystems' and in 'Forests and Natural areas engineering'. She joined Ifremer in 2019 and is involved in various national (ANR COPiLOtE), European (Blue-Cloud & Phidias) and international (EMOD-PACE) projects about marine data. She is also involved in the French Research Infrastructure 'Data Terra'. Her work mainly focus on co-leading ODATIS, Blue-Cloud's work-package about Pilot demonstrators and the COPiLOtE project (Core Trust Seal Certification of RDA & FAIR data). She has worked previously in other marine related European and international projects : GEF Blue Forests (Blue carbon), H2020 Ecopotential (Marine Earth Observation), Tech4Whales (Marine mammal collisions), GIFS (Fishery governance) and SIMNORAT (Stakeholder engagement in Marine Spatial Planning).
Dr. Anton Ellenbroek (male) works with FAO of the UN since 2000 to develop information systems related to fisheries, aquaculture and agriculture. He works on two demonstrators in the Blue-Cloud project, and contributed to the H2020 BlueBRIDGE and FP7 iMarine projects. He studied biology with a specialization in computational biology related to crop protection and phytopathology in Wageningen – the Netherlands. In the nineties he worked in horticulture in Suriname, nature protection with IUCN-NL, and developed Oracle databases for telecommunications in Amsterdam.
Emeric Lavergne (male) started with maths and informatics sciences, before eventually evolving into electronic and optical telecommunication. Lavergne finalized with instrumentation into big systems in astronomical field and optical system field. He currently works as project manager at CLS, a subsidiary of the French Space Agency CNES and of CNP, and a worldwide company and pioneer provider of monitoring and surveillance solutions for the Earth since 1986.