Gear up for the Blue-Cloud Hackathon - Kick-off live event

Blue-Cloud Event
17 January 2022 01:00
Rewatch the kick-off Live Event of the 3-week Ideation Warm Up leading to the Blue-Cloud Hackathon! Learn about Blue-Cloud, gain insight into the hackathon objectives & challenges, find out what we have in store for hackathon participants and be inspired to decode the Ocean!
Agenda (all times CET)
16:00 - Welcome!
- Nicolas Segebarth, European Commission
- Sara Pittonet Gaiarin, Trust-IT Services (Blue-Cloud Project Coordinator)
- Kate Larkin, Seascape Belgium
16.15 - What is Blue-Cloud? How can it help you, to help the Ocean?
- Introducing Blue-Cloud - Dick Schaap, MARIS (Blue-Cloud Technical Coordinator)
- Blue-Cloud’s Open Science platform: What tools does it bring to Ocean scientists & researchers, developers and innovators? - Pasquale Pagano, CNR-ISTI
- How can Blue-Cloud’s services support Ocean knowledge? - Patricia Cabrera (VLIZ)
17:00 - Blue-Cloud Hackathon: What? When? Who? How? Why? - Julia Vera, Seascape Belgium
- Round Table: Introducing the Blue-Cloud Hackathon's Ocean Topics & Challenges: Stéphane Pesant (EMBL), Lennert Schepers (VLIZ), Anton Ellenbroek (FAO), Massimiliano Drudi (CMCC), Dominique Obaton (Ifremer)
17:30 - What next?
- Hugo Espinosa, Michele Erba (Kreativedistrikt)
- 17:50 - Ask us anything! Q&A session
- 18:00 - Close