Call for papers! Submit your paper to the "International Journal of Data Science and Analytics" before the 30th of June 2024!

CORA datasets QC procedures and products

CORA datasets QC procedures and products
Blue-Cloud Event
31 May 2023 14:30–15:30

Enhancing CORA Dataset Quality: Procedures and Products

The CORa dataset stands as a cornerstone in the Copernicus marine product catalog (INSITU_GLO_PHY_TS_DISCRETE_MY_013_001), offering comprehensive in-situ temperature and salinity data. This validated dataset spans from 1950 to year-1, encompassing diverse sources like historical bottle casts, state-of-the-art sail drones, and vessel-mounted thermosalinographs.

Recently, on May 31, 2023, the Blue-Cloud team engaged in an insightful meeting with Dr. Tanguy Szekely. The goal was to delve deeper into the dataset's specifications, validation methods, and challenges. The discussion covered both the in-situ dataset and its associated objective analysis product, showcasing Blue-Cloud's expertise.  

Blue-Cloud EOV Workbenches

In Blue-Cloud 2026, advanced Workbenches (WBs) are being developed to streamline data handling for Essential Ocean Variables (EOV). These tools enhance data harmonisation, validation, and qualification from various sources. These novel Workbenches leverage cloud tech, AI, and advanced analytics for improved data handling. They are set to be adopted by key initiatives, consistently producing validated data collections, enhancing oceanic simulations. The EOV Workbenches cover Physics, Eutrophication, and Ecosystem-level Variables.

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