Blue-Cloud | General Assembly & Technical and Scientific Committee

The Blue-Cloud 2026 team is gathering for its 4th General Assembly (GA) meeting and Technical and Scientific Committee (TSC) meeting, which takes place at the Instituto Hidrográfico in Lisbon, Portugal, from 5 to 7 November 2024. This meeting offers the consortium a valuable opportunity to reflect on the progress made over the first two years of the project and to plan the upcoming activities necessary for the successful implementation of Blue-Cloud.
As part of the event, the Blue-Cloud team also hosts the 1st Federation Workshop. The workshop aims to evaluate Blue-Cloud's federated services in relation to the needs and challenges of other marine and climate research infrastructures. It will encourage discussions on the practical impact of open science federation.
The agenda is still under development, but the main activities for each day are as follows:
- 5 November 2024: General Assembly and internal meetings with Blue-Cloud partners
- 6 November 2024: Federation Workshop
- 7 November 2024: Technical and Scientific Committee meeting
Please note that registration for the General Assembly and Technical and Scientific Committee meetings is closed and is limited to Blue-Cloud 2026 members.
Day 1 - General Assembly and internal meetings with Blue-Cloud partners
Time (UTC) |
Topic |
Chairs / Speakers |
09:00 - 09:30 |
Welcome, introduction to the 4th GA and project status |
09:00 - 09:10 |
Blue-Cloud in the context of EOSC and EU DTO |
Sara Pittonet, Trust-IT, Blue-Cloud 2026 Project Coordinator |
09:10 - 09:30 |
Status of the Blue-Cloud services today and overall project status |
Pasquale Pagano, CNR-ISTI, Blue-Cloud Scientific Coordinator |
09:30 - 11:15 |
Live demos of the Blue-Cloud's VLabs |
09:30 - 09:35 |
Overview of VLab progress and reports |
Cyrielle Delvenne, VLIZ |
09:35 - 09:55 |
Integration of coastal ocean observations along Europe |
Joao Vitorino, HI |
09:55 - 10:15 |
Coastal currents from observations |
Abel Dechenne, ULiege |
10:15 - 10:35 |
Carbon-Plankton Dynamics |
Steven Pint, VLIZ |
10:35 - 10:55 |
Marine Environmental Indicators |
Francesco Palermo, CMCC |
10:55 - 11:15 |
Global Fisheries Atlas |
Julien Barde, IRD |
11:15 - 11:45 |
Coffee break |
11:45 - 12:40 |
Blue-Cloud outreach, engagement and education activities |
11:45 - 12:15 |
Key results from the outreach activities, next steps |
Rita Meneses, Trust-IT |
12:15 - 12:40 |
Blue-Cloud Hackathon 2025 |
Julia Vera, SSBE |
12:40 - 13:00 |
Blue-Cloud and EU DTO Task Force |
12:40 - 13:00 |
Progress EDITO and plans for Taskforce: Tuning between Blue-Cloud Data Lakes and DTO development |
Marina Tonani, MoI |
13:00 - 14:00 |
Lunch |
14:00 - 14:30 |
Instituto Hidrográfico Tour |
14:30 - 17:30 |
Parallel Sessions |
14:30 - 15:30 | Internal meeting on exploitation activities (WP7-WP3) Julia Vera, SSBE, WP7-WP3 partners |
WP4-WP5 meeting |
15:30 - 16:30 |
Internal meeting on CCP methods in the VRE
Coffee Break available as well at 15:30 - 16:00 |
ESEB meeting
Coffee Break available as well at 15:30 - 16:00 |
16:30 - 17:30 |
Internal meeting on CCP methods for Galaxy workflows |
Blue-Cloud Training Academy |
17:30 - 18:30 |
-- |
Blue-Cloud Steering board closed meeting |
19:55 |
"A Severa" Restaurant - Working Dinner |
Day 2 - First Federation Workshop - see dedicated page
Day 3 - Technical and Scientific Committee Meeting
Time (UTC) |
Topic |
Chairs / Speakers |
09:00 - 09:10 |
Introduction |
09:10 - 09:30 |
DD&AS: Progress with level 1 information from BDIs for extended common metadata profile, including semantics, and proposed actions by BDIs |
09:30 - 09:45 |
DD&AS: Progress with harvesting level 2 information and data links from BDIs for extended common metadata profile, including semantics |
09:45 - 10:00 |
Progress with semantic analyser and mappings |
10:00 - 10:50 |
Progress reports by selected BDIs about contents improvements and semantic support |
10:50 - 11:10 |
Coffee break |
11:00 - 12:00 | Progress reports by selected BDIs about contents improvements and semantic support | IFREMER, EMSO, SIOS, ETT, HUB Ocean |
12:00 - 12:10 |
Outlook to D2.3 - Optimised and expanded Blue Cloud Data Discovery and Access Service – Documentation Report - M24 |
12:10 - 12:25 |
Deployment of series of monolithic Beacon instances |
12:25 - 12:40 |
Deployment of two integrated Beacon instances for WB1 and WB2 for harmonised output and further planning |
12:40 - 13:00 |
Feedback WBs and Outlook to D2.5 - Established BDI sub-setting APIs and Data Lakes – Documentation Report - M26 |
13:00 - 14:00 |
Lunch break |
14:00 - 15:10 |
Progress of Workbenches: status today and plans for next release |
15:10 - 16:00 |
Progress new developments and outlook to D5.3 - Blue-Cloud VRE federated infrastructures, 1st release – M24 |
15:30 - 16:00 |
Coffee break |
16:00 - 17:00 |
Technical challenges in VLabs (Introduction and outlook to D4.3 - Blue Cloud Vlabs Users Handbook V1 – M25) Open discussion with VLab leaders |
17:00 - 17:30 |
The Blue-Cloud 2026 meetings take place at
Instituto Hidrográfico (IH), Rua das Trinas 49 - 1249-093 Lisboa (Portugal)
Recommended hotels
For your convenience, we've listed some nearby hotels close to the workshop venue: