Blue-Cloud at the EOSC Symposium 2021

EOSC Symposium 2021 - Implementing an inclusive European Open Science Cloud
The European Open Science Cloud has finally entered its highly-anticipated implementation phase. The EOSC Symposium provided a key engagement opportunity for the EOSC community. The foundation of the EOSC Association in 2020 is a key element of the implementation phase (2021-2027). Building on the EOSC SRIA, the Association will establish a number of Advisory Groups and Task Forces by June. These will focus on priority areas as we enter into the implementation phase.
The Symposium also offered an inclusive platform for all EOSC-related projects and stakeholders to share objectives, visions, activities and results in order to shape the future of the EOSC. The Symposium was organised by the project as part of its support to the EOSC Governance.
Blue-Cloud at the Symposium
Our project took part in the first session on Thursday 17 June, about Engagement and cross-fertilisation between Research Infrastructures and the EOSC ecosystem, organised in collaboration with the ESFRIs.
The session tackled the user-centric and co-creation aspects of EOSC in its second phase post 2020, highlighting the need for closer engagement and onboarding of the RIs and other thematic communities in EOSC, in order to address and prioritise the actual research community requirements and provide added value for their end users.
Blue-Cloud representative Anton Ellenbroek (NFISI) gave a joint presentation with Karl Presser (Premotec), introducing the cross-domain collaboration between Blue-Cloud and FNS-Cloud, which has brought important results in a relatively short period of time.
The two projects are supporting the development of the new FAO uFish dataset, a widely used and cited reference table of food composition values of aquatic products. The data are taken from selected publications and undergo a thorough review and validation process that must be replicated in this application.
Download the presentation
The Virtual Research Environment
The collaboration between Blue-Cloud and FNS-Cloud brings twofold benefits. On one hand, the uFish dataset benefits from EU-supported APIs, like FOODEX2, available in the FNS-Cloud dataset. On the other hand, through uFish, FNS-Cloud will be able to find fully referenced records on food composition of aquatic products. Moreover, the uFish dataset is going to enrich the Blue-Cloud Fishery VRE (Fish – a matter of scales) in terms of Global Record of Stock and Fisheries (GRSF) description of fish items in the food-value chain and can contribute to a better understanding of the nutritional contribution of fish to food systems. The data connection can be guaranteed through the exploitation of the D4Science Infrastructure.