Blue-Cloud 2026 EGU24

Other Event
14 April 2024 09:00 – 19 April 2024 18:00
Vienna, Austria

The EGU General Assembly 2024 brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience.

The EGU General Assembly 2024 will take place in the Austria Center Vienna (ACV), which is located next to the station "Kaisermühlen-VIC" of the metro U1 (Wiener Linien) running from the city centre (Stephansplatz) to Leopoldau.

Blue-Cloud 2026 at the event

Blue-Cloud is having 2 posters at the EGU24:

  • "Coastal Currents from Observations, an integrated multi-source approach to analyse surface currents", from Juan Manuel Lopez Contreras and Alexander Barth (University of Liège).

    • Display time: Monday, 15 April 2024 | 14:00–18:00 CEST
    • Poster presentation: Monday, 15 April | 16:15–18:00 CEST

The poster is focused on a novel approach by Data Interpolating Variational Analysis in n-Dimensions (DIVAnd), a method that interpolates observations on a regular grid using a variational inverse method including dynamic constraints related to coastal currents, three different datasets are set to be applied, altimetry data from satellites, drifter data and high-frequency radar data, the latter has already been used for the reconstruction of surface currents in areas of the Mediterranean as the Balearic islands (more info)

  • "Blue-Cloud 2026, services to deliver, access and analyse FAIR & Open marine data", from Dick Schaap and Tjerk Krijger (MARIS), Sara Pittonet (Trust-IT) and Pasquale Pagano (CNR)
    • Display time: Wednesday, 17 April 2024 | 08:30–12:30 CEST
    • Poster presentation: Monday, 17 April 2024 | 14:00–18:00 CEST

This poster is focused on the solutions regarding semantics supporting interoperability and harmonised data access. This will be especially illustrated via developments of new Blue-Cloud analytical Big Data “WorkBenches” that are generating harmonised and validated data collections of Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) in physics (temperature and salinity), chemistry (nutrients, chlorophyll, oxygen) and biology (plankton taxonomy, functions and biomass). The access to harmonised subsets of the BDI’s data collections will be supported by new tools like BEACON and the I-Adopt framework. The EOV collections are highly relevant for analysing the state of the environment.  This way, Blue-Cloud 2026 will provide a core data service for the Digital Twin of the Ocean, EMODnet, Copernicus, and various research communities (more info).

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