🌊 Blue-Cloud signs MoUs with FAIR-EASE and CLIMAREST

The Blue-Cloud Roadmap to 2030

One of the main outputs of the Blue-Cloud project will be its strategic Roadmap to 2030. The Roadmap will be a policy document providing the basis for the future strategic development of the Blue-Cloud well embedded as a leading system in the wider marine community and as a component of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). 

Why a Roadmap?

We are entering a Decade of unprecedented global change. It is also a Decade of Action, with the UN 2030 Agenda and its 17 ambitious Sustainable Development Goals to 2030, the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, and climate targets, with Europe pledging to be sustainable by 2030 through increased resource efficiency and sustainable consumption and production, moving towards climate neutrality by 2050.

Data is the new currency, and high quality, Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) data from trusted sources, the new gold.

In the marine ‘blue’ domain, there is a growing wealth and diversity and multitude of infrastructures collecting, managing and providing access to marine data. However, none of these can serve the multi-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary information needs alone that are required to meet the monumental global challenge of climate change. 

To realise these policy targets will require new types of collaboration between Research Infrastructures and new governance and business models that provide holistic benefits to all the stakeholders involved and with the potential to reach new stakeholders (e.g., citizen scientists). 

The Blue-Cloud Roadmap will investigate how Blue-Cloud can effectively and efficiently contribute to address the above challenges. It will consider technical developments, user demand and needs, market analysis and opportunities for exploitation of Blue-Cloud resources, while providing options that ensure sustainability of Blue-Cloud services and interoperability with the EOSC ecosystem.  

Putting the users in the driving seat

Initiated and steered by the Blue-Cloud Consortium with the support of its External Stakeholders Expert Board and of an interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral Expert Foresight Group, the roadmap will be co-designed with the wider marine and ICT community via extensive stakeholder consultations. 

A variety of tools to harness stakeholder input and foresight contributions will be put in place, including workshops, online surveys, targeted interviews, and open feedback sessions.

The timeline

The final version of the Roadmap will be available at the end of the Blue-Cloud project, in September 2022. However, a series of intermediate releases are foreseen to give the stakeholders the opportunity to contribute and provide their feedback.

A first release of the Strategic Roadmap will be ready in March 2021

Interested in contributing to the Blue-Cloud Roadmap? Contact us

The Blue-Cloud consortium welcomes contributions to its Roadmap from European and global players operating in the marine research sector and Blue Economy area. Target stakeholders are marine research infrastructures, marine research performing organisations, projects and initiatives supporting the UN SDGs, research funders, policy makers, private sector representatives and individuals operating in the “blue” area.

Read about the results of the first online consultation