About Blue-Cloud 2026

In a nutshell, Blue-Cloud 2026 aims at a further evolution of this pilot ecosystem into a Federated European Ecosystem to deliver FAIR & Open data and analytical services, instrumental for deepening research of oceans, EU seas, coastal & inland waters. It develops a thematic marine extension to EOSC for open web-based science, serving the needs of the EU Blue Economy, Marine Environment and Marine Knowledge agendas.

By working closely with long-term EU marine data services (i.e., EMODnet), and research data infrastructures (i.e., EuroArgo, SeaDataNet, Ecotaxa and others), Blue-Cloud is introducing a federated model, offering e-infrastructure services (computing, storage, analytics, SSO, AAI, generic service), a data discovery service (10M+ datasets and products from European marine infrastructures), and research intensive virtual labs, embedded in a VRE open to any users with federated identity. 

Blue-Cloud operates in the framework of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), and its Service platform features a variety of services that can be used for undertaking world-class science via the EOSC ecosystem, by featuring leading operational marine research infrastructures and e-infrastructures. In the Blue-Cloud federation, Blue research infrastructures (RIs) and other data and service infrastructures and technological providers make their services available to the community via agreed, FAIR formats and technology and standards and best practices supporting data exchange and interoperability, that EOSC recommends or accepts.

As the EOSC Federation evolves, one of the key exploitation pathways that Blue-Cloud is exploring is becoming an EOSC Thematic Node for marine research. At the same time, Blue-Cloud supports the EC Mission “Restore our Ocean and Waters”, its work programme and the development of the European Digital Twin of the Ocean (European DTO) programme, which aims to model the ocean's multiple components, provide knowledge and understanding of the past and present and create trustable predictions of its future behaviour.

Check Blue-Cloud material on Zenodo

    The project

    Over the course of 42 months starting in January 2023, Blue-Cloud 2026 will evolve the core services, integrating more blue analytical services, configuring more Virtual Labs, improving services for uptake of new data sets from a multitude of data originators (such as SeaDataNet, EurOBIS, Euro-Argo, ELIXIR-ENA, SOCAT, EcoTaxa, and ICOS-Ocean), and major e-infrastructures, namely EUDAT, D4Science, and WEkEO (CMEMS DIAS)  and for discovery and access to their structured data collections.

    Blue-Cloud 2026’s overall Objective is to expand the federated approach of Blue-Cloud, involving more aquatic data stakeholders, and interacting with EOSC developments, in support of the EU Green Deal, UN SDG, EU Destination Earth, and the EU Mission Starfish on healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters, ultimately to provide a core data service for the Digital Twin of the Ocean

    Blue-Cloud Open Science Platform

    The current Blue-Cloud technical framework is extensible and open by design, constantly evolving according to the needs of the community, facilitating collaborative research and the uptake of Open Science principles, through a distinguished set of marine data services. The status of development of those services was at the core of different sessions during the GA:

    Access the VRE

    Blue-Cloud 2026Blue-Cloud 2026 is co-coordinated by CNR, Trust-IT & MARIS, counting on a core team of partners such as VLIZ, Ifremer, MOI, Seascape Belgium. Overall it mobilises a solid, multidisciplinary, committed team of 40 partners from 13 EU countries. The Blue-Cloud 2026 project is funded by the Horizon Europe programme under the Grant Agreement Grant agreement N. 101094227.

    Check the factsheet on the European Commission portal

    Blue-Cloud 2026 Kick-off meeting

    The Blue-Cloud 2026 Kick-Off Meeting took place on 13-15 February 2023 in Pisa, Italy. The meeting provided an opportunity for the consortium to discuss the work performed in the Blue-Cloud pilot project since 2019 and the upcoming activities to be done towards a successful implementation of the project. The KOM paved the way to develop a federated European Ecosystem to deliver FAIR & Open data and analytical services, instrumental for deepening research of oceans, EU seas, coastal & inland waters and represented a great chance for project partners to meet towards the establishment of a proactive community.

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