
Event status
Type of event
Virtual Research Environment and Labs
Training Academy event

Blue-Cloud VRE and Labs Open Info Day

17 March 2023 01:00
Blue-Cloud Virtual Labs
Training Academy event
Training Academy event

webODV for the Physical WorkBench (PWB)

6 July 2023 10:00–11:00
Machine Learning to Improve and Support Ocean Data Quality Control
Training Academy event
IQuOD 2023 Workshop
Training Academy event

IQuOD 2023 Workshop

10 July 2023 09:00 – 11 July 2023 17:00
Potsdam, Germany & Online
Copernicus Marine In Situ TAC QC procedure and duplicate check
Training Academy event
FAIR Data Principles 1
Training Academy event
Optimising FAIRness of federated Data Discovery & Access Service and underpinning Blue Data Infrastructures
Training Academy event
Improving ocean data quality: enhanced active learning
Training Academy event